Packing tape and plastic wrap ghost, Part 1

I took a break from pirate stuff and decided to start work on the centerpiece of the ghost display. Here are the supplies needed:

  • Packing tape - 4 rolls (1.6 mil)
  • Plastic wrap
  • clear shower curtain
  • Foam head (as a mold)
  • Inflatable torso (From Amazon) 
  • 3/4" PVC Pipe Approximately 5' tall
  • 3 PVC caps
  • PVC 4-way connector
Unfortunately, the torso is still inbound from overseas, so I have only been able to work on the head so far. But I will show you what I have done to this point. 

There are two ways you can do this, The first is to take your tape and start it on the head sticky side out. completely covering the head with a layer of tape, then going back and applying the 2nd layer as normal to form a very strong bond between the two layers. That's what I did. 

The 2nd method, is to use plastic wrap as the base layer, then apply the tape sticky side down. The plastic wrap version would seem to be fast, so it has that going for it.

Once You have the head covered, cut the tape/plastic wrap from the top of the head, all the way to the base of the neck. Gently remove the foam head and use more packing tape to tape the cut closed with a tiny amount of overlap. Someone with skinny arms will need to do this on the inside. 

Once the head is taped back together, Gently place it in the bed with your sleeping spouse. Preferably out of range... No, don't do that. I don't want any spousal murders on my conscious...

So now you can choose to make hair or not. I chose to make it. I started bunching up several sections of plastic wrap in layers over the foam head, then I lightly laid the tape down until all of the plastic wrap was covered in a shape that looks somewhat like hair. A few strips of tape on the inside and edges and your hair is done. Once the entire project is done, I intend to use double stick tape on the head to secure it. 

Next up, again as I wait for the torso to get here, I volunteered my eldest to be my arm mold. If you followed the link to Amazon above, you'll see that the torso is armless. So tag. Kid 1.0 is it. I wrapped his arms one at a time in plastic wrap then quickly did two layers of the packing tape. Once done, I carefully used a pair of scissors to cut the plastic wrap/tape form off of him. I have not decided if I am going to make hands or not yet. If I do, I am thinking cellophane food service gloves. Unless I can find transparent nitrile medical gloves...

I'll get part 2 posted after the torso gets here...


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