Coffin it up

10-11-22 Update: So the original design did not hold up. Main because the super old wood I used to give the effect of a rotting coffin, pretty much did exactly that, LOL. Here is the new look I came up with:

Not exactly "coffin" shaped as we know it now, but it works with the theme, and I was able to use the disintegrating wood as the remains of the lids... The 2nd coffin is actual just a little bit more elaborate, with a string of 100 green LED lights stapled to the inside, and then 3 lengths of gray creepy cloth from Dollar Tree to hold the bones while some what covering the ground inside...

The other project I worked on today before it got too stinking hot out, is one of the two decaying coffins I plan on having in the Pirate graveyard. This one is simple. I raided my pile of seriously deteriorating pallet pieces from my old pallet bar and cut them into two 3 foot, two 18 inch, and 2 12 inch lengths. To put this together quick, I used 6 black cabinet hinges from Amazon to connect all six pieces in the shape of an old style coffin. There is not bottom as I don't want to kill my lawn, so when we set this up I will put cheap creepy cloth from Dollar tree for the bottom and they will have skeletons coming up out of them...

So these should look pretty awesome. Given the condition of the wood, I doubt they last past this season, but I can save the hinges and make new ones next year...


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